Temples and Pyramids
There are several different Temples in Simeria for your pet to explore. Each Temple is different so click the image for more information. There is no time limit on completing Temples but your pet can only complete one level every 24 hours.
Temple of Transubstantiation |
Explore your way through the Temple of Transubstantiation to find points and prizes. Completing level 30 will allow you to change your pet into any colour available for your pet species. |
Temple of Transformation |
Explore your way through the Temple of Tranformation to find points and prizes. At level 30 you can pick a missing colour Transformation of your pet's current species. |
Temple of Transmogrification |
Explore your way through the Temple of Transmogrification to find points and prizes. Completing level 30 will allow you to change your pet into any species of pet. You can only complete this temple once. |
Temple of Transuranics |
Explore your way through the Temple of Transuranics to find points and prizes. Completing level 30 will win you a rare wand which will be a great healing item. |
Temple of Transumption |
Explore your way through the Temple of Transuranics to find points and prizes. Completing level 30 will win a Trading Card of your choice that will be added to your Deck. |
Temple of Transvaluation |
Explore your way through the Temple of Transvaluation to find points and prizes. Completing level 30 will win a Stamp of your choice that will be added to your Stamp Album. |
Temple of Tableaus |
Explore your way through the Temple of Tableaus to find points and prizes. Completing level 30 will win an Avatar of your choice that will be added to your Avatar collection. |
Bootleg Pyramid |
This ancient Bootleg Pyramid requires you to complete the Bootleg Pyramid Treasure Map before you can enter. Its very dangerous, so you can only send in one pet at a time and while the pet is inside the pyramid, you cannot trade or exchange the pet. Make sure you are prepared - the pyramid has many obstacles, 50 levels some say, but not many have made it all the way to the treasure deep inside! While inside the pyramid, your pet will see ancient symbols on the walls or floor which will help him safely proceed to the next level. But you will need Fake Hieroglyphics to help translate.
At each level of the Pyramid, you will get a prize. It can be either items, currency, pet stats or Account Upgrade Credit. There is no time limit for completing the Pyramid, but you can only complete one level every 8 hours. If you manage to reach level 50, you will be able to add a missing Book, CD or DVD to your pet's collection. |
Kamilah Pyramid |
You will need to complete the Kamilah Pyramid Treasure Map before you can enter the Kamilah Pyramid in Kamilah Desert. There is no time limit on completing the Pyramid but your pet can only complete one level every 6 hours. Explore your way through the Kamilah Pyramid to find points and prizes. Completing level 50 will allow you to change your pet into a limited edition Hump pet. |
Puny Pyramid |
This ancient Puny Pyramid requires you to complete the Puny Pyramid Treasure Map before you can enter. Its very dangerous, so you can only send in one pet at a time and while the pet is inside the pyramid, you cannot trade or exchange the pet. Make sure you are prepared - the pyramid has many obstacles, 50 levels some say, but not many have made it all the way to the treasure deep inside! While inside the pyramid, your pet will see ancient symbols on the walls or floor which will help him safely proceed to the next level. But you will need Toy Blocks to help translate.
At each level of the Pyramid, you will get a prize. It can be either items, currency, pet stats or Account Upgrade Credit. There is no time limit for completing the Pyramid, but you can only complete one level every 5 hours. If you manage to reach level 50, you will be able to add a missing Glowing Egg item to your Nest. |
Slate Pyramid |
Everyone can enter the Slate Pyramid in Kamilah Desert. You do not have to complete any special maps to do so. There is no time limit on completing the Pyramid but your pet can only complete one level every 8 hours. Explore your way through the Slate Pyramid to find points and prizes. Completing level 50 will allow you to change your pet into a limited edition Echlin pet. |
Wonky Pyramid |
This ancient Wonky Pyramid requires you to complete the Wonky Pyramid Treasure Map before you can enter. Its very dangerous, so you can only send in one pet at a time and while the pet is inside the pyramid, you cannot trade or exchange the pet. Make sure you are prepared - the pyramid has many obstacles, 50 levels some say, but not many have made it all the way to the treasure deep inside! While inside the pyramid, your pet will see ancient symbols on the walls or floor which will help him safely proceed to the next level. But you will need Binary Codes to help translate.
At each level of the Pyramid, you will get a prize. It can be either items, currency, pet stats or Account Upgrade Credit. There is no time limit for completing the Pyramid, but you can only complete one level every 10 hours. If you manage to reach level 50, you will be able to add a missing Clothing item to your Wardrobe. |