Avatars (2,165)
Pages [22] : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Name | Solution | |
Australian | Use an Australian Costume on your pet. | |
Autumn | Use an Autumn Costume on your pet. | |
Autumn | Random while making a Autumn plate at the Ferris Wheel. | |
Avalon | Make an Avalon Plate. | |
Avatar Collector | Have 100 avatars or more and visit the Avatars page. | |
Avatar Freak | Have 300 avatars or more and visit the Avatars page. | |
Aviv | Make an Aviv plate at the Ferris Wheel. | |
Award Winner | Win an award and then view the Awards tab of your profile. | |
Azul Swarm | Have the Azul Swarm trading card in your Deck and then view your Deck. | |
Bablah | Make a Bablah plate at the Ferris Wheel. | |
Baby | Win an auction for a Baby Costume and view your alert. | |
Baby Grand | View your pets Instruments list when it has reached Level 10 Baby Grand Piano. | |
Bacon | Attach a Bacon to your pet for 160+ days then view the minipet. | |
Bad Chocolate | Win 190 battles against Bad Chocolate then view Bad Chocolate on the Opponents page. | |
Bad Egg | Have the Bad Egg Trading Card in your deck and then view that card in your deck. | |
Bagpipe | View your pet's instruments list when it's level 10 at bagpipe. | |
Bah Humbug | Wear a Santa Claws Male or Female Costume | |
Bailiff | Beat Bailiff 15 times in one-player battle arena. | |
Baline | Make a Baline plate. | |
Balloon | Complete Level 24 of the Circus Mission. | |
Balloon | Have Balloon Trading Card in your Deck and view it. | |
Balloon Burst | Random when playing the Balloon Burst game. | |
Ballooner Eclipse | Let your pet play with either Moon Balloon or Sun Balloon until it breaks. | |
Balloonimal | Attach a Balloonimal to a Pinata pet and view minipet. | |
Balloons | Have your pet play with a balloon. | |
Bamboo Flute | Make a Bamboo Flute at the Microwave. | |
Banalphin | Make a Banalphin plate. | |
Bananey | Grow an organic Bananey minipet. | |
Band Geek | Open a Musical Treasure Chest. | |
Bandit | Find a Bandit when opening a Noble Treasure Chest. | |
Banjo | View your pet's instruments list when it's Level 10 on Banjo. | |
Bank Robber | Resign your pet's job as a Thief. | |
Banker | Have a pet with Banker job accept a promotion Level 4. | |
Baspinars Castle | Complete Baspinar Goals level 32. | |
Bass Guitar | Have your pet at level 10 Bass Guitar then view it's instrument list. | |
Bat Guitar | View your pets Instruments when it has learned level 10 Bat Guitar. | |
Bat Lyre | View your pet's Instruments list when it has reached Level 10 in Bat Lyre. | |
Battle | Win 1000+ battles then view the Stats tab on your profile. | |
Battle Contest | Have a Weekly Battle Contest trophy and view your Awards page. | |
Battle Fairy | Visit Battle Fairy when you have 250 Trading Cards in your Battle Deck. | |
Battle of Baspinar | Kill at least one enemy in the Flash game Battle of Baspinar then send score. | |
Batty | Attach a Batty to your pet for 170+ days then view the minipet. | |
Batz | Attach a Batz to your pet for 11+ days then remove it. | |
Baxter | View a Baxter aged 3+ days. | |
Baylien | Random when making a Baylien plate at the Ferris Wheel. | |
Be Mine | Open a Love Treasure Chest | |
Be prepared | Wear an article of clothing from the 2016 Scout Event, for example, Scout Uniform Hat, Scout Uniform Shirt, etc. | |
Beach | Attach a Beach to your pet for 11+ days then view the minipet. | |
Bean there | Feed any Bunny Jelly Bean to your pet. | |
Beans | Send any 'beans' item to I_Like_Kidney_Beans. | |
Beanstalk | Complete all levels of the Beanstalk. | |
Bearber | Complete the Bearber Treasure Map then add facial hair to your character. | |
Bearger | Feed a Bearger gourmet minipet to your pet. | |
Beast in the Woods | Complete level 30 of the Beast in the Woods Mission. | |
Beauty Contest | Win the Beauty Contest in Lowlyhood. | |
Bed Time | Let your pet play with any bed. | |
Bee | Use a Bee costume on your pet. | |
Bee My Honey | Send any honey item to hunnie. | |
Beehive | Random when your pet plays with a Beehive. | |
Beelzebub | View Beelzebub's profile when he's online. | |
Beige | Feed any Beige item to a Beige pet. | |
Bell | View your pet's instruments list when it's level 10 at Bell. | |
Belle | Make a Belle plate. | |
Bellerina | Make a Bellerina plate at the Ferris Wheel. | |
Betsoni | Win 390 battles against Betsoni then view Betsoni on the Opponents page. | |
Bewmel | Have Bewmel Plate in your Plate Collection and view it. | |
Biala Tetris | Submit a score higher than 100 in the Flash game Biala Tetris. | |
Bidder | Place a bid of 12345 MPs on an auction | |
Big Bang | Let your pet play with a Shooting Star until it breaks. | |
Big Ben | Feed a Big Ben cake to your pet. | |
Bigfoot | Have Bigfoot Trading Card in your Deck then view your Deck. | |
Bigne | Win 50 battles against Bigne and then view him in your Opponents list. | |
Billy | Attach a Billy to your pet for 157+ pets and then view the minipet. | |
Bingo | Win Bingo from Slater Park Goals | |
Bingo! | Win any prize in Bingo and view your alert. | |
Birthday | Awarded during the 5th Birthday Cake Hunt, 2009 | |
Birthday Hunt | Awarded during the 5th Birthday Cake Hunt, 2009 | |
Bite Me | Feed Bat Cookie to your pet. | |
Bitty | View Bitty attached to Easter pet aged 30+ days. | |
Black | Donate any item with the word 'black' in the name to the Pot of Gold. | |
Blake | View attached Blake aged 22 days | |
Blank | View the profile of the pet named Blank. | |
Bling | Buy any item from the Jewellery Shop in Dukka Town. | |
Blissaur | View Blissaur attached to Easter pet aged 60+ days. | |
Blittle | Attach a Blittle to a Blitzen pet and view the minipet. | |
Blitzen | Complete Level 30 of the Blitzen mission. | |
Blitzen | Use a Blitzen costume on your pet. | |
Blogger | Put the Marajournals Stamp in your stamp album and view the Jenoa page of your album (page 13). | |
Blooble | Complete level 22 of Ziranek Goals. If you are past level 22, visit Ziranek Goals. | |
Bloobloo | Grow an organic Bloobloo minipet in your marahome garden. | |
Blooper | Try to add a Blooper Plate to your Plate collection when the Blooper Plate is already in your Plate Collection. This will only work using the multi item add function. | |
Blossom | Have Spring Branches in your Wardrobe and wear it. | |
Blub | Attach a Blub to a Water pet then view the minipet. | |
Blue | Use a blue costume on your pet | |
Bold as Brass | Open a Steampunk Chest | |
Bomb | Beat Bomb 17 times in the Battle Arena | |
Bonbon | Random when making a Bonbon plate at the Ferris Wheel. | |
Bone Trumpet | View your pet's Instruments list when it has reached Level 10 in Bone Trumpet. | |
Bonehead | Buy a Bonehead from the Minipet Shop during Halloween 2009. | |
Bongos | Visit your pet's instruments list when it is Level 10 on Bongos. |